Eight Quick Tips for Improving Employee Engagement

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

How can managers help employees to be enthusiastic and engaged in their work? 

1. Start with yourself.  If you’re not enthused about what you are doing, you can’t expect your employees to be enthused. 

2. Take an interest in your employees by taking time to chat.  Ask about their weekend, how they are doing, and whether they are happy with their work. 

3. Catch people  “doing something right” and praise them for it.  Say “thank you” often. 

4. Listen and learn from your employees.  Re-state what you’ve heard to be sure that you understood. 

5. When you assign a project, communicate goals and objectives clearly so employees know what needs to be done and what is expected of them. 

6.  Ask for regular status reports and check in to offer support.  Help employees to be successful and achieve the desired results by giving feedback.  Don’t micromanage. 

7. Create a positive and open environment where employees feel valued, safe, and are  comfortable bringing forward ideas and problems.  Ask for their feedback about your management style and take what is said seriously. 

Engaged employees are much more productive.  Worried about someone’s engagement?  Check in with that person tomorrow!