Engaging Younger Employees at Work

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Today’s workplace is made up of several different generations of workers and managers need skills to manage this type of diversity. Managers need to know as much as they can about how to motivate communicate with the younger generations in order to engage this fascinating group of workers.  Here are 4 tips for managing these twenty-somethings. 

Communication: The “Millennials” and “Gen Ys” have been raised on technology and may be more inclined to communicate by text than face to face.  They don’t want to waste time in meaningless meetings. 

Recognition:  Many younger people adore recognition, but may prefer more responsibility or training opportunities than a public commendation.  They also like to work within teams and competition is a plus. 

Learning Style:  People in their twenties are more likely to learn by doing, rather than listening. 

Flexibility/balance: Working a set schedule may not make sense to a younger worker when good work can be accomplished at night or over weekend.  They may not come in until 10 a.m. but they could be working at Starbuck’s or in their car. 

Managers beware:  You can’t generalize about values, work ethics, or work styles based on generational differences.  Take time to listen to each person and try to understand how each person wants to communicate, be recognized, learn or achieve work life balance.  You might be surprised at what you hear!