Nutritional Wellness Podcasts

We can assist with whatever life throws at you.

Feed your body well with some help from the below podcasts chosen by our experts. Episodes provided by: Nutrition Facts with Dr Gregor, Nutrition Diva, Spot On!, Dishing Up Nutrition.

Nutrition & Mental Health

Adults and teens are struggling with anxiety and mental health. Period. On this episode of Dishing Up Nutrition we don’t just want to look at the problem; we want to offer some possible solutions with how nutrition affects mental health, without a doubt. Special guest Dr. Korn often says “Change your mood with your food.”

How to Stop Junk Food Cravings

Two nutritionists explore why we have junk food cravings; why we give in to them, even when we know they are not good for us; and how we can stop these junk food cravings.

Anxiety and Depression: The Food Cure

In today’s world of processed foods, it is not always easy to start and stick with a real food eating plan. As parents and grandparents, we often know the connection between our mental health and our food, but how do we personally put it into practice? And how do we help our teens, young adults, or grandchildren follow a plan to do reduce anxiety and depression? Today, we introduce you to a new nutritionist on Dishing Up Nutrition who shares her personal story as a teen and offers wisdom to help the teens in your life.

You Are What Your Grandparents Ate. Seriously?

Find out why you are what your grandparents ate through this week's discussion with Judith Finlayson, a bestselling author who has written books on a variety of subjects, from personal well-being and women’s history to developmental science. She is a former national newspaper columnist for The Globe and Mail, and magazine journalist, she is also the author of over a dozen cookbooks.

Should You Eat Breakfast Like A King And Dinner Like A Pauper?

Is a large breakfast beneficial for your health? What is the secret behind portion control?

Eat to Beat Stress

How can you make changes to your diet to reduce stress?