Manage Your Diabetes Every Day

11/20/19 ·National Institute on Aging

Diabetes cannot be cured, but it can be managed. Managing blood glucose (blood sugar) as well as blood pressure and cholesterol is the best defense against the serious complications of diabetes. 

Know What To Do Every Day

To manage your diabetes, here are things to do every day.

  •  Take your medicines. 
  •  Keep track of your blood glucose (blood sugar). 
  •  Check your blood pressure if your doctor advises. 
  •  Check your feet. 
  •  Brush your teeth and floss. 
  •  Stop smoking. 
  •  Eat well. 
  •  Be active. 

Take Your Diabetes Medicines

People with type 1 diabetes control their blood sugar with insulin -- delivered either by injection or with a pump. Many people with type 2 diabetes can control blood glucose levels with diet and exercise alone. Others require oral medications or insulin, and some may need both, as well as lifestyle modification. 

Ask your doctor if you need to take aspirin every day to prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Keep Track of Your Blood Glucose 

One of the best ways to find out how well you are taking care of your diabetes is to check your blood to see how much glucose is in it. If your blood has too much or too little glucose, you may need a change in your meal plan, exercise plan, or medication.

Ask your doctor how often you should check your blood glucose. Some people check their blood glucose once a day. Others do it three a day or even more. You may be told to check before eating, before bed, and sometimes in the middle of the night. 

Your doctor or diabetes educator will show you how to check your blood using a blood glucose meter. Your health insurance or Medicare may pay for some of the supplies and equipment you need to check your glucose levels.  S

Check Your Blood Pressure

Check your blood pressure if your doctor advises and keep a record of it. You can check your pressure at home with a home blood pressure measurement device or monitor. Blood pressure monitors can be bought at discount chain stores and drug stores. When you are taking your blood pressure at home, sit with your back supported and your feet flat on the floor. Rest your arm on a table at the level of your heart. Check with your health care provider to make sure you are using the monitor correctly.

Check Your Feet 

Foot care is very important for people with diabetes. High blood glucose levels and a reduced blood supply to the limbs cause nerve damage that reduces feeling in the feet. Someone with nerve damage may not feel a pebble inside his or her sock that is causing a sore. Or a blister caused by poorly fitting shoes may go unnoticed. Foot injuries such as these can cause ulcers, which may, if not cared for, ultimately lead to the need for amputation.

If you have diabetes, 

  • check your feet every day and watch for any cuts, sores, red spots, swelling, and infected toenails. 
  • report sores, blisters, breaks in the skin, infections, or buildup of calluses to a podiatrist or a family doctor. 
  • never walk barefoot. 
  • have your feet checked at every doctor visit. 
  • take your shoes and socks off when you go into the examining room. This will remind the doctor to check your feet. 

Brush Your Teeth and Floss

People with diabetes can have tooth and gum problems more often if their blood glucose stays high. High blood glucose also can make tooth and gum problems worse. You can even lose your teeth. 

Here are ways to protect your teeth and gums. 

  •  Keep your blood glucose as close to normal as possible. 
  • Use dental floss at least once a day. Flossing helps prevent the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Plaque can harden and grow under your gums and cause problems. Using a sawing motion, gently bring the floss between the teeth, scraping from bottom to top several times. 
  • Brush your teeth after each meal and snack. Use a soft toothbrush. Turn the bristles against the gum line and brush gently. Use small, circular motions. Brush the front, back, and top of each tooth.
  • If you wear false teeth, keep them clean.
  • Call your dentist right away if you have problems with your teeth and gums.
Stop Smoking

If you smoke, stop. Smoking raises your risk for many diabetes problems, including heart attack and stroke.

Eat Well

People with diabetes don't need to buy or prepare special foods. The foods that are best for someone with diabetes are excellent choices for everyone: foods that are low in fat, salt, and sugar, and high in fiber, such as beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods help you reach and stay at a weight that's good for your body, keep your blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol in a desirable range, and prevent or delay heart and blood vessel disease.

Be Active

Try to exercise almost every day for a total of about 30 to 60 minutes. If you haven't exercised lately, begin slowly. Start with 5 to 10 minutes, and then add more time. Or exercise for 10 minutes, three times a day. (Tip: you don’t need to get your exercise in all at one time.) 

Be sure to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. 

Other Areas To Manage

Here are other areas to manage if you have diabetes.

  • Take care of your eyes. 
  • Protect your kidneys.
  •  Protect your skin.
  • Learn how to cope with stress. 

Take Care of Your Eyes 

High blood glucose and high blood pressure from diabetes can hurt your eyes. It can even cause blindness, or other painful eye problems. Here are ways to prevent diabetes eye problems.

  • Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as close to normal as you can. 
  • Have an eye care professional examine your eyes once a year. Have this exam even if your vision is okay. 
Protect Your Kidneys 

High blood glucose and high blood pressure may damage the kidneys. Damaged kidneys do not do a good job of filtering out wastes and extra fluid. 

Here are ways to prevent diabetes kidney problems. 

  • Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as close to your target goal as you can.
  • Get tested at least once a year for kidney disease. Ask your doctor if you should be tested. 
  • Follow the healthy eating plan you work out with your doctor or dietitian. If you already have kidney problems, your dietitian may suggest you cut back on protein. 

Protect Your Skin

Skin care is very important, too. Because people with diabetes may have more injuries and infections, they should protect their skin by keeping it clean and taking care of minor cuts and bruises. 

Learn How To Cope With Stress

Stress can raise your blood glucose (blood sugar). While it is hard to remove stress from your life, you can learn to handle it. Try deep breathing, gardening, taking a walk, meditating, working on your hobby, or listening to your favorite music.