Is it Time to Call the EAP?

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Anyone can have a bad day, but when it goes on for several days, it can be concerning to coworkers and supervisors. Sometimes the behavior may be a cry for help; other times it may be insignificant. How can you tell the difference?

A good manager or supervisor will take the lead in offering support and guidance. Anyone who observes that someone needs help can intervene. However, in the workplace, the final responsibility usually falls to the employee’s immediate supervisor or manager.

If you are unsure of how to intervene with your employee, consider calling your Employee Assistance Program (EAP). An EAP counselor has experience dealing with difficult situations and can offer you guidance, feedback and moral support. The counselor can also take an active part in the intervention process.

You do not have to pinpoint what is causing the person’s problem. That is the responsibility of the EAP counselor or another professional. You only need to recognize that someone may have a problem and take the next step.

Are you worried about someone?  Call your EAP to discuss the situation today.