Is Your Energy Being Zapped?

02/26/21 ·CompEAP

Managers face multiple demands on their time everyday.  For many of us, no two days are ever the same, so we must be able to switch gears and focus quickly.  So, why is it that some days leave us feeling depleted, while after others we feel invigorated? 

For each manager, there are certain issues that “push your buttons” more than others. At any given time, it is helpful to assess your key “energy zappers” and keep them in your awareness.  That way, when they occur, you may be able to notice them, take a deep breath, and let some of the tension go. 

What are your top energy zappers? 

___ Too much time at the computer with out stretch breaks 

___ People interrupting with quick questions 

___ Visitors dropping by 

___ Wasted meeting time 

___ Office politics 

___ Avoiding a difficult conversation 

___ Crises that occur because of poor planning 

___ Other______________________________ 

If you can’t prevent energy zappers from occurring, at least recognize how they impact you and try to implement some stress management techniques.  Sometimes a few deep breaths will give you enough relief to get prepared for the next one. 

What’s your top energy zapper?