Boosting Your Resiliency

04/09/19 ·CompEAP

Resiliency is the ability to manage demands, adapt to change and rebound from challenges and adversity. Building resiliency is like putting money in the bank – it’s there when you need it.  This perspective helps us thrive in stressful situations and live life more fully.

Here are some key characteristics of resilient individuals:

Commitment: They have a sense of purpose, a passion for their work and a willingness to find the joy in life. 

Challenge: They have an openness to change and a willingness to take risks.

Connection: They are connected to people in their world. They care about others and look beyond themselves. 

Control: They take responsibility and realize they always have control over their own response.  

Creativity: They have aspects of their lives where they find enjoyment and satisfaction. 

Counting your blessings: They express gratitude and appreciation for the good things in their lives. 

We can boost our resiliency by paying attention to our stress signals and practicing renewal at regular intervals to refuel and recharge our energy.  Below are some additional tips for boosting your resiliency:

  • Check in with yourself throughout the day
  • Watch for negative thoughts and practice positive self-talk
  • Exercise regularly to increase feel good hormones and improve your attitude
  • Get a good night’s sleep and make healthy food choices
  • Learn simple relaxation techniques to shift gears and clear your mind of negative thoughts and worry
  • Smile often and learn to cultivate a sense of humor
  • Invest time in relationships, hobbies and creative endeavors
  • Use your breath to refocus or calm yourself down in stressful situations
  • Recognize what you have control over and let go of the things you can’t control
And most importantly…count your blessings…be grateful for what you have, appreciate your friends and family and recognize your unique strengths and accomplishments. 

Balancing stress and renewal, maintaining a positive attitude and practicing healthy habits are the keys to becoming a more highly productive, fully engaged, resilient individual.